available property

Use the links below to search for property available for purchase through the Summit County Land Bank.  In order to acquire any property through the Summit County Land Bank, you must first submit a completed application, along with any required fee, in accordance with that particular program's guidelines.  Submitting an application for property through one of our programs will notify the Summit County Land Bank of your interest in acquiring property, but does not guarantee the Summit County Land Bank will approve the application, acquire any property, or sell any property to the applicant.

residential Property

Use the following link to search for residential property.  Residential property must be applied for through the Welcome Home Program.

realtor listings

Use the following link to access our realtor-listed property.

commercial property

Use the following link to search for commercial property.  Commercial property must be applied for through the Building for Business Program.

Vacant land

Use the following link to search forvacant land.  Vacant land must be applied for through the Side Lot & Vacant Land Transfer Program.