side lot program

The Side Lot Program is for persons interested in acquiring vacant lots. The application requires a non-refundable deposit, and submission of an application does not guarantee the Summit County Land Bank will approve the application, acquire any property, or dispose of any property to the applicant.  Please see the Side Lot Guidelines for additional information.

Please note that the approval process for a Side Lot program application can take up to 90 days, and the entire process can take up to 12+ months, depending on the property and the current number of applications in-process.

Side Lot Program Application

Side Lot Program Guidelines

Side Lot Program Process & Timeline

Please Note: The Side Lot Program Guidelines are currently undergoing a review and edit process and are subject to change at any time, without notice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Submission of an application will serve as an acknowledgement and understanding of this notice.

If you are unable to view/download the documents above, please give us a call.  We would be happy to mail an application packet to you.  Or, simply use our contact form, at the bottom of our Contact page, and let us know you would like us to mail you an application packet.

program summary

Click on the image below to see a summary of our Side Lot Program, as of December 31, 2018.


Heather Niebauer
Program Coordinator
(330) 449-0621

Kelsey Manley
Program Assistant
(330) 449-0620

Jim Davis
Program Director