Our Mission

The Summit County Land Reutilization Corporation will support neighborhood and community reinvestment and economic development efforts through the strategic acquisition, reclamation, rehabilitation and reutilization of property in Summit County to revitalize neighborhoods and communities, stabilize property values, reduce blight, return property to productive use, and improve the quality of life in our community.

The Land Bank is an important resource to our community partners as they continue the necessary work of rebuilding neighborhoods and communities.
— Kristen M. Scalise, Chair, Board of Directors

History & Timeline

2012 Summit County Council establishes the Summit County Land Bank, and designates the Land Bank as agent for the county in the reclamation, rehabilitation and reutilization of abandoned, vacant and blighted property

2012-2014 More than $7.4 million is spent demolishing nearly 1,000 abandoned and blighted properties, across 22 communities in Summit County, through the Moving Ohio Forward demolition grant program

2014 The Summit County Land Bank is awarded a $2 million grant through the Ohio Housing Finance Agency as part of its Neighborhood Initiative Program, a residential demolition program

2014 The Summit County Land Bank hires its first Executive Director, Patrick Bravo, to lead the agency

2014-2015 The Summit County Land Bank awards nearly $1.25 million in grants funds to local communities to support their efforts in rebuilding neighborhoods

2015 The Summit County Land Bank acquires, and demolishes, its first properties as part of the Neighborhood Initiative Program

2016 The Summit County Land Bank is awarded more than $7.5 million in additional Neighborhood Initiative Program funds, and expands its target area for those funds county-wide

2017 The Summit County Land Bank launches the Welcome Home and Building for Business programs, offering opportunities for the purchase of residential and commercial properties to support neighborhood and community development

2018 The Summit County Land Bank experiences is busiest year for the Neighborhood Initiative Program, demolishing more than 250 abandoned and blighted residential properties. The Summit County Land Bank also put more than 250 properties back into productive use, returning an additional $68,000 in taxes, annually.

2020 The Summit County Land Bank acquires the former home of John S. Knight and his family with hopes to restore the property in an effort to encourage reinvestment in the West Akron neighborhood. The Summit County Land Bank goes virtual as, with the rest of the world, it navigates the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 Having raised nearly $712,000, construction begins on the John S. Knight House. The newly renovated space will be come the offices of the Summit County Land Bank.

2022 The Summit County Land Bank conducting business from its new home in the John S. Knight House.