ohio building demolition and site revitalization program

Included in Substitute House Bill 110, the state budget bill for State Fiscal Years 2022-2023, Ohio Revised Code Section 122.6512 created the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program to be overseen by the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD). The purpose of the program is to award up to $150 million in grant funding, less county set-aside funding and ODOD administrative fees, for the demolition of commercial and residential buildings and revitalization of surrounding properties on sites that are not brownfields. In counties where a land bank has been established, the land bank will serve as the lead entity. Lead entities may enter into sub-recipient agreements with known end-users of any awards.

The Summit County Land Bank is pleased to serve as the Lead Entity for Summit County and is here to be a resource to partners wishing to submit projects for consideration and application to ODOD for funding. Please use the link below to submit a project for consideration. This link will only remain active until 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Tuesday, December 21, 2021.


A separate submission is required for each individual project. There is no limit to the number of projects that may be submitted to the Summit County Land Bank.

At this time, the Summit County Land Bank anticipates reviewing submitted project information and submitting its first application to ODOD on Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Only projects for which the Summit County Land Bank has received all required information will be submitted to ODOD. Partner end-users submitting projects with missing or incomplete information will be notified and have an opportunity to provide the missing or incomplete information for submission at a later date. The Summit County Land Bank is working to clarify whether this can be done on a rolling basis (e.g., weekly) or whether it must wait until after February 28, 2022, to submit additional projects. Once clarification is received, this site will be updated to reflect any changes. It is anticipated that, if the Summit County Land Bank is permitted to submit additional projects on a rolling basis, without changing the position of its original application, that the link above will become active again and projects will be submitted as frequently as permitted by ODOD.


Program Guidelines were released by ODOD on December 7, 2021, and have generated a considerable number of questions from Ohio land banks and potential partner end-users seeking clarification or amendment. The Ohio Land Bank Association has compiled a memo, summarizing many of those questions, and submitted it to ODOD for review. Because the current version of the Program Guidelines remains as-is, until further amended by ODOD, the Summit County Land Bank has developed a process for collecting project information from potential partner end-users based on the current set of guidelines, in an effort to best position Summit County communities to take full advantage of the program. All partner sub-recipients will be expected to adhere to the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program Guidelines now in effect, or as hereinafter may be amended, and will be individually responsible for ensuring they are working from the most recent version of the same.

program contact

Drew Reilly, Staff Attorney & Project Lead
(330) 449-0600